Peach Pie with Canned Peaches: A Simple & Tasty Recipe

Peach pie, with its sweet, tangy filling and flaky crust, is a beloved dessert across America. While fresh peaches are fantastic, the convenience and consistency of canned peaches make them an excellent choice for pie-making all year round. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a delicious peach pie using canned peaches, ensuring a dessert that’s both easy to make and satisfying to eat.


Selecting Your Ingredients

The foundation of a great peach pie lies in the quality of its ingredients. When it comes to canned peaches, you have several options:

  • Heavy syrup peaches are very sweet and can reduce the amount of added sugar needed.
  • Light syrup peaches offer a balanced sweetness, suitable for most recipes.
  • Juice-packed peaches are the least sweet, ideal for those looking to control the sugar content further.

For the crust, you face the age-old question: homemade or store-bought? A homemade pie crust offers unbeatable flavor and texture, rewarding you with a sense of accomplishment. However, a high-quality store-bought crust can save time and still deliver delicious results. For those interested in making their crust, consider exploring other dessert guides like The Ultimate Guide to Coconut Cream Meringue Pie for additional baking tips and inspiration.

Essential Ingredients for Your Canned Peach Pie

  • Sugar (or its alternatives) to sweeten the filling
  • Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger to enhance the peach flavor
  • Cornstarch or flour to thicken the filling

Mixing the Filling: Tips for a Delicious Canned Peach Pie

Prepping Your Peaches

Drain your canned peaches, reserving the syrup for the filling. Slice the peaches if they’re not already sliced, ensuring they’re the perfect size for your pie.

Crafting the Perfect Crust

If you’re making your crust, start by combining flour, butter, and a pinch of salt in a food processor until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Gradually add ice water until the dough comes together. Chill the dough for at least an hour before rolling it out, as this will make it easier to handle and help prevent shrinkage during baking.

Pre-Baking Strategies

To avoid a soggy bottom, consider pre-baking (blind baking) your crust for about 10 minutes at 425°F. This step is especially helpful if you’re using a juicy filling like canned peaches. For additional tips on making the perfect pie crust, Sally’s Baking Addiction provides valuable insights.

Peach Pie with Canned Peaches

Crafting the Perfect Crust for Canned Peach Pie

Mixing the Filling

Combine the drained peach syrup with sugar, your choice of spices, and a thickener like cornstarch in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the mixture thickens, then gently fold in the peaches.

Assembling the Pie

Pour the filling into your prepared pie crust, then top with a second crust. If you’re feeling creative, a lattice top or decorative cut-outs can add a beautiful touch. Seal the edges and cut slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape.

Baking Techniques for a Flawless Canned Peach Pie

Bake your pie at 425°F for the first 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 350°F and continue baking for about 40-50 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the filling is bubbly.

Customization and Variations

  • Adjust the sweetness of your pie by varying the amount of sugar based on the sweetness of the peaches and your personal preference.
  • Don’t be afraid to spice it up; cinnamon is a classic, but ginger or nutmeg can add an interesting twist.
  • Explore crust alternatives, such as a crumble topping for a different texture or a gluten-free crust for those with dietary restrictions.

Serving and Storage

Serve your peach pie warm or at room temperature, ideally with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. Leftover pie can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for up to three days. For longer storage, consider freezing the pie and reheating it in the oven when ready to serve.


  • Can I Use Fresh Peaches Instead of Canned? Yes, but you may need to adjust the sugar and thickener amounts.
  • How Do I Prevent the Crust from Becoming Soggy? Pre-baking the crust and using a thickener in the filling can help.
  • Can Peach Pie Be Frozen? Absolutely. Wrap the pie tightly in plastic wrap and freeze for up to three months.

Creating a peach pie with canned peaches is a delightful experience that combines convenience with the joy of baking. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to the kitchen, this guide ensures your peach pie will be a hit at any table. Happy baking!